5 Absolutely Stunning Custom Fire Pit Designs I Wish I Could Afford

1. I just love the overall color coordination applied here. And the flowers, you have to agree tremendously add to that beautiful look.
eagle luxury properties
2. This  gorgeous fire pit is actually part of an amazing luxury custom home built for the star Celine Dion and her family. Not hard to see why this design is among my top favorite is it?

Photo courtesy of Sotheby’s International Realty
3.  The white color that blends with the house here gives this fire pit design an elegant and sophisticated look. A few pillows with to go with the furniture give the outdoor living space a cozy look.ARIA DESIGNSPhoto courtesy of Aria Design Inc
4.  This stunning outdoor lounging area comes complete with a fire pit and surround seating. Cushions greatly compliment the seating and bring out that cozy feel.
5.Why not have something truly gorgeously unique by combining two of natures opposite elements for that eye catching centerpiece.
 Which of these fire pit designs would you pick for your outdoor living area if you could?

About Kyle Gordon

Hey there! My name is Kyle Gordon, a part-time week-end home enthusiast who loves outdoor projects. This blog is the fruit of my extensive experiences performing outdoor home improvements. More so, I'm here to share with you a lot of great ideas and experiences you can use to make the outdoor life at your home fun and entertaining at the same time. Join me as we explore fire pits, grills, outdoor fireplaces, outdoor kitchens, pizza ovens, and many more outdoor improvements with lots of product reviews.

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2 Comments on “5 Absolutely Stunning Custom Fire Pit Designs I Wish I Could Afford”

  1. Wow, these are incredible. My wife and I want to add some sort of fire pit on our patio. I love the second one that you shared. I don’ think we could get something that elaborate, but I would love to have some nice seated around the fire pit. Looks like a great atmosphere.

  2. Thank you for your comment and I absolutely agree with you. If I could have a pool in my home, I would want one like this one too.

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