Flame Genie Portable Wood Pellet Fire Pit Review

Flame Genie Wood pellet fire pitRather than burn on gas or wood, USA made Flame Genie Portable Wood Pellet Fire Pit  burns clean on wood pellets. These wood pellets produce almost no ash therefore requiring little cleaning and maintenance.

Features of Flame Genie Portable Wood Pellet Fire Pit;

  • Features a high temperature black powder coat finish.
  • It utilizes a gravitational afterburner system  which eliminates excess smoke.
  • The basin features a mesh screened bottom grate for adequate air flow to facilitate combustion and also to enable any ash that is produced to fall off.
  • It is compact and lightweight making it easy to move and carry around.
  • Dimensions: 13.5 x 13.5 x 13.5 inches.

How to light your Flame Genie Portable Wood Pellet Fire Pit

Once you have assembled your Flame Genie Fire Pit, fill it with pellets up to approximately 2 ½ inches.  After adding the pellets just light it with a fire starter such as fat wood or similar fire starter and that should get you going. You should never use any type of flammable lighter fluid  to light the fire pit as per manufacturers instructions.

The pellets do not catch fire right away. It will take five to six minutes for the air between the chambers to heat up so that  the flames are at their optimum.

To keep it burning, watch the top holes where the flames appear to be coming from and when you notice that half of the holes seem to not have flames coming from them add the pellets slowly a few at a time.

Wood pellets can purchased  at your local hardware stores and farm store. Hard wood pellets are recommended. They are more expensive than soft wood pellets but they apparently last longer.

Burning regular wood on your wood pellet fire pit

Is not recommended. This Flame Genie Fire Pit is designed to burn wood pellets only. Using regular wood may plug up the bottom grate and therefore it may not work effectively.


  • Produces decent flames and heat heat comparable to a traditional wood or gas fire pit. [easyazon_infoblock align=”right” identifier=”B00O40ER0G” locale=”US” tag=”firepitsoutdo-20″]
  • It is safer than wood burning fire pits. Because you’re not using traditional wood, there is no danger of sparks and flying embers causing injury and damage to property. You therefore even don’t need a fire pit spark screen.
  • Flame Genie Wood Pellet Fire Pit is small and light weight…about 10 pounds, making it very portable and suitable for for transporting and taking your campfire with you wherever you go.
  • It is safe to cook on.
  • You wont have to worry about wood transport regulations.
  • Burns clean and smokeless.
  • Little ash produced so it’s easy to clean.


  • Greatest problem of the Flame Genie Portable Wood Pellet Fire Pit is that it requires someone to constantly feed it in order to generate great fires.  Cheap as the pellets may be, it burns through them fast.
  • It does not come with starting wood pellets.

Who is the Flame Genie Wood Pellet Fire Pit best suited for?

  • This pellet fire pit is suitable for camping as it is light weight and very portable.
  • For those who would rather do without the hassle of starting fires from scratch.
  • It’s ideal for tailgating, beach parties and other outdoor parties on the go.
  • Flame Genie Wood Pellet Fire Pit is suitable for small patios if you’re looking for something that will not take up too much space.


The Flame Genie Wood Pellet Fire Pit is  great concept but the fact that you constantly have to keep adding the wood pellets every few minutes is a big problem if you ask me, especially because you are outdoors trying to relax.



About Kyle Gordon

Hey there! My name is Kyle Gordon, a part-time week-end home enthusiast who loves outdoor projects. This blog is the fruit of my extensive experiences performing outdoor home improvements. More so, I'm here to share with you a lot of great ideas and experiences you can use to make the outdoor life at your home fun and entertaining at the same time. Join me as we explore fire pits, grills, outdoor fireplaces, outdoor kitchens, pizza ovens, and many more outdoor improvements with lots of product reviews.

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